Seared Sesame Seed Yellowfin Tuna Steaks
Technically this recipe should have been my very first post on The Fish Wife. It makes sense that it would be seeing as Tuna, especially Yellowfin Tuna, is pretty much the speciality of our family business, Greenfish.
In my opinion there really isn’t anyone who lives, breathes and dreams about Tuna more than my hubby! The passion and knowledge from all of his years of experience dealing with this species of marine life means he knows exactly how to source the best of the best, and I am so privileged to be able to sample Cape Towns finest Tuna at home.
So why is it then that this recipe was not my first entry you ask? To be completely honest, it’s because I almost feel like it’s cheating to give you such a ridiculously simple method to cook tuna and label it a recipe at all! But seeing as I get asked constantly for Tuna recipes, here it is. To all my fine dining guests who thought I had slaved away for hours in the kitchen, the truth has surfaced! Enjoy.
- Yellowfin Tuna Steaks (mine were purchased from Greenfish)
- Course Salt
- Sesame Oil
- Sesame Seeds
- If you purchased your Tuna Steaks from Greenfish, they should be cut to size and ready for the pan. If not, then cut your Tuna into approximately 250g Steaks, around 2 - 2.5cm in thickness.
- Grind some course salt on either side of your steaks. The course salt really enhances the flavour.
- Place your sesame seeds in a bowl. Place your Tuna Steaks into the sesame seeds coating each side until the sesame seeds completely cover the meat.
- Heat a pan on a high heat with a good splash of sesame oil.
- Place your sesame coated steaks into the pan cooking for approximately 1 minute a side - be careful not to over cook! The Tuna only needs a quick 1 minute on each side to achieve a 2mm golden delicious border and a lovely pink centre.
- If you are wanting to cut your tuna into strips, make sure you do so across the grain as it's easier to eat.
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